Tuesday, October 31, 2017





Passions are hard to prioritize. Are you more passionate about math, or engineering? Are you more passionate about history, or literature? Are you more passionate about video games, or K-Pop? On the other hand, what are you good at? That’s a much easier thing to figure out.
Passions change. What you’re passionate about at 21 is not necessarily what you’re going to be passionate about at 40.
You’re not necessarily good at your passion. Has anybody ever watched American Idol? Just because you love singing doesn’t mean you should be a professional singer.
Following your passion is a very me-centered view of the world. What you take out of the world over time, be it money, cars, stuff, accolades, is much less important than what you put into the world.
And so my recommendation would be, follow your contribution; find the thing that you’re great at. Put that into the world. Contribute to others. Help the world be better. That is the thing to follow.

连接- http://99u.com/workbook/42757/dont-follow-your-passion-follow-your-contribution


31 Oct 2017

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